Amongst Friends specializes in crafting impactful campaigns specifically tailored to your needs and is based on your market position, market goals, brand values, demographic of customers, and more. We use this information to create visual content for your brand including campaign videos, photos, brand movies, lookbooks, etc.
Standout ideas that will not just attract attention, but keep it. Every great story starts with an idea, in its purest form, it is the art behind every possibility. With our pulse on global trends, action sport shifts, and consumer behaviours, we’re constantly dreaming up new and better ways to make the most of your opportunities.
Our guidance lays the foundation for a modern mindset that puts the brand at the heart of the project. Concept Development should focus on the vision and mission of the business strategy. Do you have your own concept? Amongst Friends will refine it with detailed treatments including briefings, references and creative direction outlining the bigger picture.
Campaigns are what make companies memorable. They give brands an identity; the personality that makes that brand unique. Amongst Friends understands what it takes to create lasting campaigns. Together with you, we will define what are your goals and key progress indicators (KPIs) for each campaign. Understand your budget and the channels you wish to explore. We will advise you on content formats as well as putting the team together to make the campaign a reality.
With over 15 years of experience creating content for the kiteboarding industry, we know what it takes to get the job done. Amongst Friends, is the Swiss army knife that understands what the project needs, from talking campaign strategy with you the client to discussing briefs with our creatives, we have our feet on the ground, scouting spots with the riders whilst keeping the overall picture in mind. We have earned our respect.
To complete the package Amongst Friends offers Photo & Video Editing, Colour-Grading, Sound Design and more. We believe in being a part of the project all the way to the very end. This ensures we can deliver a product we are proud of.
Smart business decisions are based on facts. Facts about the market, facts around your target audience and about your brand. In our discovery phase, it’s important to collect as much information as possible, about market data, the demographic of customers, materials, brand values and more. This will allow us to create concepts and campaigns that are tailored to your specific brands needs. Creating projects which have an impact.
Thanks to a deeper understanding of your position, we are able to deconstruct the elements that define who you are as a brand. We use those elements to design a framework around Purpose, Promise, Values and Voice. This framework becomes our northern light in crafting and creating touchpoints for your brand, be that campaign videos, photos, brand movies, lookbooks, etc.
We will formulate campaigns/briefs with clear statements on your strengths and identify key internal and external factors that are important to create campaigns that align with your campaign goals. These are determined by your market position, your market goals, and your values
Crafting impactful campaigns doesn't happen by chance. It's a purposeful journey that is intertwined with strategic thinking and unrestricted creativity. A combination that usually doesn't understand one another, this is where we step in. We happen to speak both languages. Our creatives are consulted, guided and supported throughout the job by our production team. The big brother asking the right questions, have you thought about this, did you pack that, what about shooting this angle? We have been on shoots for the last 15 years, we know what it takes.
It all begins with an idea, but how impactful was it? We like to look back and assess the work we have done. Look at the statistics and consider what worked and what needs improving. We debrief the photographers, cinematographers and athletes. This involves discussions around effectiveness, direction, pros and cons. We value everyone’s voice because making a successful campaign is a team effort.